IBM Cloud

Containers and VMs

Deployments on the cloud

My role

Lead UX/Visual Designer


Product design


1 year


Our challenge for this project was to bring infrastructure services to IBM Bluemix in order to better meet the needs of Bluemix users and support the fundamental components of application building. We were tasked to create an experience that allowed users to use Docker containers and virtual machines to build their applications, as these options are most widely used by enterprise level development teams at the time.The end result was IBM Containers and Virtual machines becoming core services of the IBM Bluemix platform, allowing users to build their applications with their infrastructure of choice.

Core Bluemix Services

Containers and Virtual Machines were integrated into Bluemix as core offerings, at the same level of the already existing Cloud Foundry Applications. This allowed users to easily mix and match the infrastructure that they wanted to use to build applications, without needing to search through the catalog of additional services offered on Bluemix.

Users see the containers and virtual machines that they have created, and can create new elements directly from the main dashboard.

Image Catalog

When users elect to create a new container or virtual machine, they are taken to a catalog of images to choose from. They also are given the option to add their own image, allowing them to further customize their infrastructure and applications.

IBM vetted images are provided, giving users a selection of images that they can be sure are reliable and are kept up to date as technologies change.

Users can see all of their images. Images provided by IBM are shown in blue and images added by the user or another member of their organization are shown in purple.

Creating a VM or Container from an Existing Image

Once users select the image they would like to create a container or virtual machine from, they are given a variety of options to tailor it to their needs. This includes selecting the sizing, memory, security settings, and the cloud they would like to deploy to.

Container/Virtual Machine Details

Once a container or virtual machine is created, users are taken to the detail page. Here they can see the health of their container or VM, make changes to the number of instances, and see additional information, such as the cloud this is deployed to, security key, image, etc. They can also navigate to additional pages to further manage their containers and virtual machines.